There are 9 item(s) tagged with the keyword "IRS regulations".
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It’s a new year! Having the right policies in place can help you better achieve your mission in 2023.
Ministries beware: An email scheme, designed to coincide with tax season, asks payroll and human resource professionals to disclose employees’ personal information. Think you wouldn’t fall for such a scam? You might, if the email looks as if it came from someone in your ministry.
Under federal law, most ministers have dual tax status. Dual tax status means a minister is an employee of the church for federal income tax purposes, and self-employed for Social Security and Medicare taxes. Here’s what you need to know.
Large or small, churches and ministries are often easy prey for would-be thieves, especially as church holidays, like Christmas, approach and weekly offerings increase as more people return to worship and other ministry activities. Ministry leaders can boost their ability to keep thieves away from their contributions and property by taking just a few precautions—not only during the holidays, but also throughout the year.
Do you remember the last time you caught the flu? You probably sneezed and coughed and ached all over, resting your stuffy head by a box of tissues and wishing you had the energy to do more than lie there. Well, it’s time to watch out. The flu virus is preparing to pounce again.
Submitting an accurate Form W-4 is important, so unsurprisingly, an inaccurate claim can have serious consequences. Some ministries are claiming 99 dependents on their pastor’s Form W-4 to ensure that a pastor’s pay is not subject to federal income tax. Learn more about why this and other inaccurate claims should be avoided.
Back when you started your job, you likely filled out a Form W-4. Since then, life has changed—possibly with a marriage, a new child, or a raise. Now that income tax filing season is over, did you end up owing taxes, when you expected a refund? Or perhaps you experienced month-to-month budgeting issues, because too much was being withheld from your wages.
For many ministries and their employees, April is a triple tax-deadline month. Does your ministry have the following dates circled on its calendar?
The U. S. Tax Code allows donor tax deductions to religious organizations, but the deduction comes with conditions that require the ministries to limit political activities. The best known condition is the rule against involvement in political campaigns.
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